We Are Family
Curated by Jane L. Dulay
Family has many meanings: from familial relations to a group of things related by common characteristics. We Are Family brings together the multiple meanings of these relative relationships.
I study people as a psychoanalytic psychiatrist and painter. Drawn to Californian figurative artists David Parks, Elmer Bischoff, and Richard Diebenkorn, my self-directed development as an artist led me to work with artists who cultivated these interests and helped me evolve to be the artist I am today.
The primary models for my figurative paintings in the show are people I love and admire for their being and creativity. Painting them was a way to be connected; a challenge to capture their soul in a moment of time and space.
The exhibition as a family of artists involves how we are related to each other in this world, the space we inhabit by relationship to each other and the environment, and the synchronous events that connect us. It is multimedia, multigenerational, multicultural, and multispatial with a pluriversal appeal.
For me, it is a dream come true. Enjoy the experience!
December 2021